11th Festival Internacional de Jazz de Carolina

B11745361_393610070828219_2197736536448429310_nrenda will be one of the main acts performing at the 11th edition of the Carolina International Jazz Festival. She will be performing with her band on Friday, August 7 at 8:30 p.m. Other artists performing are Ángel Torres and his group Saxitud; Guasábara; Ricardo Pons; Cafezz and the Luis Perico Ortiz Latin Jazz Big Band with special guests David Sánchez and Eddy Martínez.


The music begins both Friday, August 7 and Saturday, August 8 at 6:00 p.m. The Festival includes a wide variety of gastronomic offerings as well as a Puerto Rican handcraft art exhibit. Five Puerto Rican sculptors will exhibit their works of art at the Festival. Three of them, Omar Ortiz, Juan Núñez and Juan Crespo will create a sculpture on the spot. Renowned artist Eduard Pérez Pérez and caricaturist Héctor Avila have been commissioned to paint live also.

The Festival is sponsored by the Municipio de Carolina and its Major, Carlos Aponte Dalmau. It will be held at the Centro de Servicios Municipales de Isla Verde.