The Unintended Ingredient





There we were, a group of strangers (serious, successful, committed professionals), meeting for the very first time. We arrived at INTEC University in Santo Domingo in search of professional and personal growth. The main theme was: education as a way to make this world a better place. The main device was: leadership learning through IGLU.

My guess is we all assumed we would be different from one another. Indeed, we came from different places: Brazil, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Haiti, Puerto Rico and Venezuela. Surely, our geographies, cultures, beliefs and experiences had been neatly and devotedly packed deep within.

As the IGLU training week continued you could say that some of the group exercises even helped us confirm (for the most part) who we thought we were and what we though we knew. For example, some of us were extroverts and others were introverts. Oh yes, we knew who we were and we knew where we came from. But the thing is, we didn’t know who we could become. We also weren’t acquainted with the unfamiliar places we could get to.

For six days, our usually distant map-dots were connected in an inescapable HERE and NOW. And every single time that HERE and NOW was occupied by MUSIC – whether it was karaoke night (and me singing “Brujería” by El Gran Combo to break the ice), or singing a cappella “la negra tiene tumbao” during our daily bus ride, or singing seven different versions of happy birthday three times on the same day, or guitar playing, singing and dancing while having dinner at a fancy restaurant or a very special exclusive flamenco dance by a very special new friend – we all felt that powerful bond-building expressway called MUSIC.

Think about it. Really think about it. Have you ever been to a human celebration that had no music? Can you imagine one?

My guess is the answer is NO. Never doubt it for a second. MUSIC is the quickest way to transform a group of strangers into a group of friends. MUSIC is the fastest way to fill a room with hugs and smiles. Music is the best joy production method. MUSIC is the promptest road to mutual understanding. MUSIC is the smartest way I know to unify and connect human beings. And like I always say: MUSIC is my favorite way of traveling.

So we learned about leadership and education. We worked really hard driven by true passion. We acquired the tools needed to be able to work on our vision, mission, and purpose in life. We developed the skills required to make it come true. We shared experiences and ideas.  We defined projects, renewed our commitment and nourished our motivation. For six days we gained so much from each other.

But there was that one very special unintended, unintentional, unplanned ingredient. It wasn’t part of our schedule. None of us came looking for it. None of us expected it. And yet, there it was, MUSIC, once again, doing its magic and making us friends.